About Me

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My name is Alex and I am a full-time student nurse living in Birmingham. I thought I'd blog my way through my training to give others some insight and information, as well as giving myself a lovely reminder of how far I've come on this seemingly long and sometimes difficult journey. Enjoy!

Tuesday 15 May 2012

My First Assignment! (and my first tattoo!)...Week 7

So I had a lecture today on the basis of our first assignment which is exciting! Its not due for another 2 months but it is best to start these things early as lots of reading around the subject is necessary.
I have the day off tomorrow and hope to begin reading around the area I choose to write about. Oh yeah, I need to choose that first!

I stayed at uni this weekend and actually really enjoyed myself. Got my first tattoo on Saturday and I love it! Something my boyfriend of 4 years drew me...

A heart with roses coming off the side, and it looks slightly wonky at this angle, but it just depends on how I'm sitting and where my leg is as to what angle it is at. Oh well nothing I can do about it now! haha

I have wanted a tattoo for over a year, and when I saw this drawing I knew this was the tattoo I wanted. It really wasn't even that painful either, I was expecting a lot worse!

I know this is a nursing blog so let get back to the nursing side (what is this 'nursing' all about anyway?).

All my flatmates have started placement this week so my flat is a very quiet and lonely place as they are all either at work or in bed exhausted!
Makes me even more desperate to start placement! They started their courses in September '11 whereas I began in April '12 so our timetables are completely different.

Oh yesterday we had a lecture on nutrition which was funny, feeding each other yoghurt whilst sitting in the most uncomfortable position is so so funny! We brushed each other's teeth in the first week, haha what a way to introduce yourself!

Anyway, ta ta for now!

1 comment:

  1. Love the tattoo and am loving reading your blog and getting an insight into your life, keep it up! X
