About Me

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My name is Alex and I am a full-time student nurse living in Birmingham. I thought I'd blog my way through my training to give others some insight and information, as well as giving myself a lovely reminder of how far I've come on this seemingly long and sometimes difficult journey. Enjoy!

Friday 11 May 2012

LaLaLa Boring Lectures!...Week 6

So my past few days have included many hours of boring (and potentially pointless) lectures.

We've learnt about how to reference, which I guess is very important and I did learn a bit. Also how to search for journals etc and today we learnt how to write an essay properly!
But I did study English Literature A-Level so think I'm pretty clear on that!

Honestly, if you live in halls at uni, make sure you socialise! It's no fun being stuck in your room all day doing bugger all. Luckily my flatmates are lovely and I have been spending a lot of time with them :)

Other than that not much has happened this week, its been pretty chilled, but next week is a bit busier.

I'm spending the weekend here, the first time! Hopefully it wont be too boring but I'm sad I can't go home as I am missing my boyfriends nephews 1st birthday :(

Anyway! I'm about to watch some 'One Born Every Minute' as I am obsessed with babies! hahaha

Bye guys :)


  1. Hi Alex, I stumbled across your blog tonight and I love it! I too am a 19 year old student but I'm hoping to gain entry to the course of my dreams, a bachelors degree midwifery course in September but I won't know until August because of the way the Irish Leaving Certificate exam process works, I'm so interested to hear about your journey and have found it very hard to find student nurse blogs and vlogs so thank you for making these posts I will certainly be following your journey :) and maybe even begin to blog my own once I get into my course! Best wishes and keep blogging! x Kensey

    1. Wow thank you for my first comment :)
      You don't know how much it means to know it is coming in useful for someone!
      Please do start a blog once you begin, it will make for wonderful memories too :)
      Alex x

  2. Hi Alex!I'm 18 and just recently started General nursing(What we call adult nursing in Ireland) and I'm finding your blog soooo helpful.I'm finding most of the lectures pretty biring but I loooooove our practical tutorials,I just want to start placement but thats not until January :-( Anyway,pleeease keep up your blog posts,they're fab and so helpful!Hope it's going well for you :) X
