About Me

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My name is Alex and I am a full-time student nurse living in Birmingham. I thought I'd blog my way through my training to give others some insight and information, as well as giving myself a lovely reminder of how far I've come on this seemingly long and sometimes difficult journey. Enjoy!

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Final Assessment of 2nd year...Year 2 Week 43

So yesterday I had an OSCE (objective structured clinical examination).

I didn't want to write about it right away as on the day of any exam you are over-thinking your performance and I was getting myself into a bit of a 2 and 8 (state).

I will give you an in depth intro into exactly what we had to do:
I had a patient who had ruptured his spleen following a blunt trauma. He had a splenectomy and was on a PCA (patient controlled analgesia) following his op.
I was asked to complete a full ABCDE assessment, pain assessment, form a NEWS chart and handover using SBAR (situation, background, assessments, recommendations).
Then I had to answer questions regarding morphine, PCAs, and a couple physiology ones too.

Airway: is it patent? Any noises e.g. wheezing, crackling etc

Breathing: Resps? Use of accessory muscles? Bilateral inflation? SpO2? O2 therapy?

Circulation: Heart rate? BP? CRT? Urine output? IV access?

Disability: AVPU? Blood glucose? Pupils? Pain?

Exposure: Temperature? Skin appearance? Urinalysis?

A 'NEWS' chart is an early warning system that uses all of your observations to create a score, the higher the score the more abnormal your observations.

So I did all of this, and calculated a NEWS score which I think was right but when you are so nervous in the moment you just never know what you may or may not have done wrong.
I forgot a couple of things for the SBAR such as; regular moniterinng and immediate medical review.

The difficultly with this kind of assessment is you just don't know if you have passed or failed. Because if you are deemed dangerous then you fail instantly.
I don't see why I would have failed but you never know :(

Also I did something really stupid. Instead of taking my time and looking through the file at the doctors review, what medication he was on, what operation he had etc I just ploughed straight on and didn't realise they were there until the end. I'm hoping they weren't of much importance regarding what I had to do...

Only time will tell! I'm hoping I got around 60%.

I'll let you guys know :)

Hope you're all well,
Alex xx

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Check out my nursing blog: http://talesofnursing.blogspot.co.uk/ hope you like it! I've been following yours for a while and have found it really encouraging when I was feeling disheartened with the whole applying process! Thanks :D xXx
