About Me

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My name is Alex and I am a full-time student nurse living in Birmingham. I thought I'd blog my way through my training to give others some insight and information, as well as giving myself a lovely reminder of how far I've come on this seemingly long and sometimes difficult journey. Enjoy!

Sunday 18 November 2012

2nd Placement!...Week 33


I am officially the worst blogger in the world! I have this wonderful blog which lots of you read (thank you :D) and yet I rarely post!

Well now I am on my 2nd placement, in the same hospital but I am on a surgical assessment ward now, very exciting.
My previous ward was respiratory medicine, and it was a lot tougher than this ward. I enjoy both but it depends if you want an 'easy' ride, as such. Not that this placement is a doss, because it's not, it's just a lot more laid-back.

So far I have completed 1 week and already had to call in sick once which I am totally gutted about!! I hate having to call in sick, makes me feel so awful.
My mentor is a sister, so my experience is so far very interesting. I am involved more in the paperwork, handovers, drugs etc which I am enjoying.

Also big news! I am now a bank health care assistant for an agency! Basically means if I want to work, I give them my availability and they book me in for shifts! Happy days, I get money and experience!

I finally feel like I'm getting a grip of what I'm supposed to be doing, the work as a HCA has boosted my confidence ten-fold. I am just looking forward to completing this placement and therefore, completing my 1st year! I have already finished uni until my 2nd year now (scary)

I am currently sat here reading through teenage pregnancy articles as I have an assignment to hand in that I want to get done pronto. Also have an exam, boo :(:(

Wish me luck!
And to all of you either contemplating a career in nursing, currently a student nurse or qualified, good luck! ^.^


  1. How do you find working bank and being a student? Is it too much or manageable? Also (if you dont mind) how much on average do you get paid, I'm trying to figure out just how skint I'm going to be as a student nurse!!!

    1. Its ok pay tbh, between £7-£11 depending on which day it is. Yes, do prepare to feel skint! It's quite hard but I am away from home so have lots of spare time.
