About Me

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My name is Alex and I am a full-time student nurse living in Birmingham. I thought I'd blog my way through my training to give others some insight and information, as well as giving myself a lovely reminder of how far I've come on this seemingly long and sometimes difficult journey. Enjoy!

Friday, 23 November 2012

Florence Nightingale... Week 34

Who's this lovely lady?

The beloved Florence Nightingale.
This may be a little OTT, but a patient told me i was the reincarnation of Florence Nightingale yesterday ^.^

I was particularly happy!
I love and strive to make sure my patients feel comfortable, have water, food and feel happy to speak to me. After all, the nurse is supposed to be the patient advocate.
I totally love my new ward though, and the patients are great. I can feel myself improving all the time it feels amazing :)

We had a student forum meeting at the hospital on Tuesday, it was so good we met with some 3rd years in their management placement and they just told us what it was like and gave us some advice. It was so good to see where we will be in a year (omg only just over a year til I'm a 3rd year!!!)

Sorry for being so moany in my last post haha, I'll blame it on the hormones ;)

Any questions guys??

Monday, 19 November 2012

I'm in a Bad Mood... Week 34

I don't know why (well, I do) but I am in an awful mood!
I have an essay waiting to start (kill me now) the new Twilight film was pants IMO, boyfriend's family issues, missing home, contemplating my future, thinking about how far away I am from qualifying. The list is almost endless!

I'm just in a crappy mood and procrastinating from my work, naughty naughty.

Got placement tomorrow, 07:00-19:30, such long hours! And I bet I won't sleep tonight :(

Moan moan moan, someone cheer me up?

Alex x

Sunday, 18 November 2012

2nd Placement!...Week 33


I am officially the worst blogger in the world! I have this wonderful blog which lots of you read (thank you :D) and yet I rarely post!

Well now I am on my 2nd placement, in the same hospital but I am on a surgical assessment ward now, very exciting.
My previous ward was respiratory medicine, and it was a lot tougher than this ward. I enjoy both but it depends if you want an 'easy' ride, as such. Not that this placement is a doss, because it's not, it's just a lot more laid-back.

So far I have completed 1 week and already had to call in sick once which I am totally gutted about!! I hate having to call in sick, makes me feel so awful.
My mentor is a sister, so my experience is so far very interesting. I am involved more in the paperwork, handovers, drugs etc which I am enjoying.

Also big news! I am now a bank health care assistant for an agency! Basically means if I want to work, I give them my availability and they book me in for shifts! Happy days, I get money and experience!

I finally feel like I'm getting a grip of what I'm supposed to be doing, the work as a HCA has boosted my confidence ten-fold. I am just looking forward to completing this placement and therefore, completing my 1st year! I have already finished uni until my 2nd year now (scary)

I am currently sat here reading through teenage pregnancy articles as I have an assignment to hand in that I want to get done pronto. Also have an exam, boo :(:(

Wish me luck!
And to all of you either contemplating a career in nursing, currently a student nurse or qualified, good luck! ^.^