About Me

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My name is Alex and I am a full-time student nurse living in Birmingham. I thought I'd blog my way through my training to give others some insight and information, as well as giving myself a lovely reminder of how far I've come on this seemingly long and sometimes difficult journey. Enjoy!

Saturday, 27 December 2014

I'VE GOT A JOB and a 1ST!... Year 3 Week 39

Hello everyone,
I'm so so sorry it's been 5 months. To be honest I'm just spiting myself because this is a wonderful resource to look back on and identify my progress, and by not updating I'm almost losing a section of my progression. Oh well, I'm back now.

I hope you've all had a wonderful Christmas!?

As you can see by the title, I am far into my 3rd and final year of adult nursing now. And guess what... I got myself that 1st class degree! I can't believe I've done it, but I am so so happy.
During my A-Levels I was very disinterested and not engaged at all, I ended up with 3 Cs. I was so disappointed and felt very much put down, so to actually put a lot of effort in and achieve a 1st class bachelor of science degree I finally feel like I've proven myself :).
Not only that, but I have 4 weeks of placement left, 1 week of uni and then it's all finally over!

This is from my last post, but I thought I'd put it in here too to give some perspective:
8 weeks of uni - done
1 week A/L - done (went to IBIZA woooo)
9 weeks of placement - done
6 weeks of uni - done
1 week A/L - done
12 weeks placement - doing
1 week uni

And then...FINITO!

The modules I've done this year are as follows, along with results:
Nursing Practice 4 (exam) - 87%
Policy, Politics and Nursing (assignment) - 65%
Transition to Qualified Practitioner (Presentation) - 52%
Academic and Practice Enquiry (Dissertation) - a/w

My strengths are definitely exams and as you can see I managed to improve my academic writing to a 2:1 standard which I'm extremely proud of (since this was and always has been my downfall). I got my presentation mark back last week, I'm happy with 52% because it got me my 1st overall, but the module itself wasn't explained very well and resulted in many of my colleagues failing :(.

Even more exciting news...I've got a job!
I got a job on my management placement ward, and then I got a job back home which I've accepted and will be starting at the end of March (so long as I pass my dissertation). I'm really pleased and so happy that I get to move home. The job is on a gastroenterology and dermatoloy ward with respiratory outliers. It is quite acute and I'm looking forward to learning a lot.

I think I'll make a separate post on my interview experiences and advise for others? Hopefully it will be helpful to you all.

Well I'm back with a super long post but I hope you all enjoy reading!

Take care,
Alex x

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