About Me

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My name is Alex and I am a full-time student nurse living in Birmingham. I thought I'd blog my way through my training to give others some insight and information, as well as giving myself a lovely reminder of how far I've come on this seemingly long and sometimes difficult journey. Enjoy!

Monday 1 April 2013

THE BEGINNING OF YEAR 2!...Year 2 Week 1

Hello everyone!
I am finally in 'year 2' of adult nursing which means...only 2 years 'til I am a qualified nurse! Can't wait.

So far we have had a one week introduction to our 2nd year, during which they basically try to scare the living daylights out of you and warn you how tough it will be!

These are my modules for this semester:
Nursing in Society
Professional Values and Evidence Based Practice part 1
Nursing Practice 2

Once I have access to all the modules online I'll let you all know what exams, practicals and assignments we have (boo)

All in all I can't wait to get stuck in but I do feel quite scared since the marking criteria has gone from level 4 to level 5 so I will in turn have to step up my game!

Hope you're all well, anyone else in their 2nd year of nursing?
Love, Alex x


  1. Ah how come you have 2 years to go?. did you do a health year or foundation year?. so its a 4 year course. i had a look at bcu anf it doesnt have any of them sort of courses. anyway im waiting for my grades back in maths then i can ring bcu and see if they have a place or two for me maybe in october. or sadly apply through clearing but will get at least some experience before accpeting. ahh i really hope that your year goes well and i will be watching over you because i love reading this as your actually stuck in there. never know i might see you around if you are at bcu if i get in!. :). ill update you! thanks for posting looking forward to your next one but please more detailing into what you do i know it might be hard im not forcing you but id love to hear. i know this is not very nice to hear but on placements have you had to clean someone when they went to the bathroom yet?^^. and do you do it alot or you have help or is it really reguler? excuse me for my spelling. ta for now.x

  2. Hiya, good luck to you!
    I have 2 years left (or just under) because I don't qualify until March 2015 :)
    Thank you for reading my blog!
    Alex x
