About Me

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My name is Alex and I am a full-time student nurse living in Birmingham. I thought I'd blog my way through my training to give others some insight and information, as well as giving myself a lovely reminder of how far I've come on this seemingly long and sometimes difficult journey. Enjoy!
Showing posts with label university. Show all posts
Showing posts with label university. Show all posts

Sunday, 28 December 2014

What it's like being on Management (sign off) Placement... Year 3 Week 39

Management or 'sign off' is what your final placement as a student nurse is referred to. This is because on this placement you are expected to manage the ward (coordinate) and then be 'signed off' by your mentor who says 'this student is safe to become a qualified practitioner'.
How exciting! And slightly daunting...

So at my university this placement is 12 weeks long. 8 weeks of normal placement and then your final 4 weeks is considered the 'sign off' period.

By the time you get to this placement you will be shocked at the knowledge you have built up and how capable you actually are. Of course you will make mistakes, forget to do something or make a fool of yourself, that is part-and-parcel of being a student and you will still do this when qualified! No-one is perfect so don't work yourself up over small things.

What you will be able to do by the time you reach the final 1/3 of this placement is the following:
-Manage patients care including = observatoins, BMs, referrals, liaise with Dr's and members of the multi-disciplinary team (MDT), medications (under supervision), dressings, care plans, note writing and documentation.
-Coordinate the ward with your mentor (admissions, discharges, liaise with outside agencies to get patients home asap, eg. district nurses, recovery at home etc)
-Manage your own workload and act with initiative at all times!

There's probably more because nurses do so much more than what is defined by NMCs code of conduct, as you will find out.

My biggest tip? Be openminded, motivated and enthusiastic. Make a conscious effort to get on with EVERYONE. It really helps to get everyone on your side, it makes your life easier and it makes the days more enjoyable.

If you feel like you are lacking in an area, then read! Do research, ask questions, ask more questions, it's up-to you to develop yourself!

By the time you are on this placement people often 'leave you to it' because you are expected to be practicing your skills not learning them. therefore prepare yourself in the placement prior to this one, try and learn all you can so you are in the position to just perfect your work and learn more about everything else.

It's complicated and may sound daunting but you will be ready! Never be scared to say you don't know something.

Girls and boys you will make it and you will be fine, I can vouch for that! Just try and get on a ward you enjoy with staff you get on with. You will become part of the team after 3 months.

I hope that has helped some of you :)

Take care,
Alex xxx

Saturday, 27 December 2014

I'VE GOT A JOB and a 1ST!... Year 3 Week 39

Hello everyone,
I'm so so sorry it's been 5 months. To be honest I'm just spiting myself because this is a wonderful resource to look back on and identify my progress, and by not updating I'm almost losing a section of my progression. Oh well, I'm back now.

I hope you've all had a wonderful Christmas!?

As you can see by the title, I am far into my 3rd and final year of adult nursing now. And guess what... I got myself that 1st class degree! I can't believe I've done it, but I am so so happy.
During my A-Levels I was very disinterested and not engaged at all, I ended up with 3 Cs. I was so disappointed and felt very much put down, so to actually put a lot of effort in and achieve a 1st class bachelor of science degree I finally feel like I've proven myself :).
Not only that, but I have 4 weeks of placement left, 1 week of uni and then it's all finally over!

This is from my last post, but I thought I'd put it in here too to give some perspective:
8 weeks of uni - done
1 week A/L - done (went to IBIZA woooo)
9 weeks of placement - done
6 weeks of uni - done
1 week A/L - done
12 weeks placement - doing
1 week uni

And then...FINITO!

The modules I've done this year are as follows, along with results:
Nursing Practice 4 (exam) - 87%
Policy, Politics and Nursing (assignment) - 65%
Transition to Qualified Practitioner (Presentation) - 52%
Academic and Practice Enquiry (Dissertation) - a/w

My strengths are definitely exams and as you can see I managed to improve my academic writing to a 2:1 standard which I'm extremely proud of (since this was and always has been my downfall). I got my presentation mark back last week, I'm happy with 52% because it got me my 1st overall, but the module itself wasn't explained very well and resulted in many of my colleagues failing :(.

Even more exciting news...I've got a job!
I got a job on my management placement ward, and then I got a job back home which I've accepted and will be starting at the end of March (so long as I pass my dissertation). I'm really pleased and so happy that I get to move home. The job is on a gastroenterology and dermatoloy ward with respiratory outliers. It is quite acute and I'm looking forward to learning a lot.

I think I'll make a separate post on my interview experiences and advise for others? Hopefully it will be helpful to you all.

Well I'm back with a super long post but I hope you all enjoy reading!

Take care,
Alex x

Thursday, 11 April 2013

2nd Year Modules...Year 2 Week 2

So I have a slightly better understand of my modules for this semester now, and as requested I will quickly go through it :)
Just so you know, all universities assess their students in completely different ways!

Nursing in Society - Assessed via a Health Promotion Leaflet Assignment
Professional Values and Evidence Based Practice - Assessed via Poster Presentation & Assignment
Nursing Practice 2 - Exam
Nursing Practice 3 - Numeracy Exam & OSCE (practical exam)

So as you can see there are a lot of assessments this year, and these grades count so I really must try hard and work hard.

So far we are focusing on our poster presentation, sounds easy right?
It's all based on an article surrounding a question you choose. You must include some kind of study and god I don't think I know much more else! Hahaha

I went to the gym day before yesterday and ran 3k
And I went yesterday and ran 5k!
Think I'm gunna go today and try to run 5k in less time :) woooo

Hope you are all fine and dandy!
Alex xxx

Monday, 1 April 2013

THE BEGINNING OF YEAR 2!...Year 2 Week 1

Hello everyone!
I am finally in 'year 2' of adult nursing which means...only 2 years 'til I am a qualified nurse! Can't wait.

So far we have had a one week introduction to our 2nd year, during which they basically try to scare the living daylights out of you and warn you how tough it will be!

These are my modules for this semester:
Nursing in Society
Professional Values and Evidence Based Practice part 1
Nursing Practice 2

Once I have access to all the modules online I'll let you all know what exams, practicals and assignments we have (boo)

All in all I can't wait to get stuck in but I do feel quite scared since the marking criteria has gone from level 4 to level 5 so I will in turn have to step up my game!

Hope you're all well, anyone else in their 2nd year of nursing?
Love, Alex x

Monday, 4 March 2013

I've Lost Some Weight!...Week 48

So I have so far done 4 days of Herbalife and lost 1 lb! Very happy. On my 5th day today!

I have continued to work 2 nights a week each week, it's great for extra cash and isn't too demanding. Normally I special particular patients. For example I was on a liver ward and had to special an extremely confused middle-aged man. He was an ex alcoholic & drug user also previously in prison. Apparently according to his family he isn't usually confused but after having a procedure on his liver he has become confused.

He was very testing of my patience! He spoke non-stop all night about a whole load of stuff ranging from the 'Govenor' being shot, his friends in jail, his sexually abusive grandad, Jeremy Kyle and much more. Baring in mind he was 1 of a 4 bed bay so the other patients were extremely angry at his never ending stream of conversation!
With the occasional 'Be quiet!' He would shush for a minute or 2 only to carry on rambling. Anyway, the other patients described me as an angel in the morning and I apologised profusely for their lack of sleep, bless them.

Oh also, I accidentally let him drink about 100-200ml of calogen (a high cal drink) since he was telling me about living on fortisip so when he asked me for 'his drink' I presumed the calogen was a fortisip and passed it to him. He finished the bottle and then the nurse came to me and said 'Why did you just let him drink all of that?? He's only supposed to have 90ml a day and has already had 60ml!' Well I felt like a complete idiot! Another lesson learnt! In my defence, no one said anything about it to me and it was left out along with his meds. Never mind ey...

Specialling patients is a boring yet very interesting job!

Hope you are all well my lovelies! Xx Alex xX

Friday, 22 February 2013

Weight Loss...Week 47

So guys! I am finally ready to lose some weight. My realistic goal is 10st7 (147lbs) but if I lost more than that I'd be ecstatic!

I intend on losing this weight through increasing my exercise to 3 times a week minimum and using herbalife.

If you haven't heard of herbalife, it's a very successful programme (my particular programme is for weight loss) which manages to decrease your calorie intake but still allows you to receive all the nutrients you need AND you still get to eat 1 meal a day of your choice as well as shakes to replace your other meals. Really excited to start this as I have high hopes for my 1st month helping me lose a fair bit of weight :)

Thinking of creating another blog surrounding my weight loss and workout journey and routine. Perhaps some YouTube videos to accompany it and make it all a little more 'hands on'

Let me know what you think?

Lots of love, Alex x

Sunday, 17 February 2013

I joined the gym!...Week 46

So on Monday I joined the gym! It's called 'Pure Gym' and its only £18.99 a month which is super cheap for a gym. I've been 3 times this week so far which I am really happy about!
Planning on going today too :)

My long-term boyfriend has come to stay this weekend it has been lovely having him here :) I love Birmingham and having him here too makes me whole :)

I've also asked work to find me a night shift tonight as I really need the money..! Fingers crossed I get one as I need to work 2 a week for the next 5 weeks otherwise I am just penniless!

Tomorrow starts my 4th week of annual leave, what the hell those weeks have actually flown by I can't believe it! It just shows how quickly time passes, make sure to enjoy every moment whether you're a student nurse, or not!

Good luck to all of you whatever you're doing! Would love to hear from some of you? I promise to reply!

xx Alex xx

Friday, 15 February 2013

Relax!...Week 46


You heard me! It's time to relax, the weekend is here so let us cheer!

As if weekends mean anything to us nurses ey... ;)

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Night Shifts...Week 46!

Hello all how're you??
I worked 2 nights in a row this week, as a health care assistant.
The first was mega boring as I special-ed a patient who just slept the whole night, the 2nd was far more demanding on a stroke ward and the day after I am well and truly spent!
For me thought I earn a lot more doing nights so its worth it. 2 nights is the equivalent of me working about 5 lates!

So as I'm sure you can guess I'm exhausted today and therefore really want to go home...   :( miss everyone a lot.

Do you work many nights? Do you like them or prefer days? Do tell do tell darlings x

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Don't be a Plonker...Week 45

BIG TIP: when working as a bank health care assistant, don't work for an hour only to realise you're on the wrong ward, then proceed to not be paid for your hours work :(

I worked for and hour, regardless of whether it was on the right ward or not....... Right?

Learn from me, don't walk onto the first ward you see, actually go to the one you've been allocated!

Sunday, 3 February 2013

1st Year is Over! ...Week 44

So I've finally completed my fist year!
 I wish I could write you all an essay of what I've learnt, advice for you and more but I just don't know. It's very difficult because I've learnt it all over the course of a year and everything merges into one!

I'm so happy to have finished my first year though, only 2 to go and I pray the time will fly :)

I have definitely passed too, only needed 40% and I achieved:


You can see how I improved my work too, which I'm super proud of!

Overall the advice I would give for surviving your 1st year is staying open minded, being as sociable as possible and try to get as much experience as you can. Whether that is through work, or bank HCA work, try to get as much help and experience as possible. Don't skip your lectures believe it or not, they are important (boo) and get as much help with assignments as possible.
I think I'll post advice on various things separately for you guys :)

Do you have any advice on how to make my blog more interesting or user friendly?
Thank you so much for your support :)

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Back to Placement!...Week 40

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year!

Due to a family loss I had to take compassionate leave from placement (only 2 shifts) as my grandfather in Portugal died, we had to fly over. Also the reason I haven't been here in a little while.
So I'm halfway through my 6th week at placement and I've been off for nearly 2 weeks now! Bit nervous about tomorrow but I'm sure it'll be fine :)

Nothing too nurse-y to mention today as I said, I've been away from placement for a while!

Guess I could mention my relatively 'new' ideas. I have always been very interesting in midwifery, but haven't set my heart on it as getting into the 18 month course is so so hard. Also, there is only 1 university kind of near my home so it's even harder again. I researched and found out that 12-24 months into working as a midwife your pay rises to a band 6 which is incredible. I want to have my own home and a family with my boyfriend when I'm still relatively young but I also want a good steady wage before I lunge into the world of parenthood. So I'm currently trying to organise work experience with a community midwife so my application is as desirable as possible. What do you guys think?
Anyway, speak of the devil, One Born Every Minute is on!

Hope you're all well
Alex x

Saturday, 15 December 2012

What's going downnn... Week 37!

Hey guys hope you're all well!
I've been reading a nursing blog from a woman in America, I think her blog is the most famous one there is tbh! It's so good to read through her journey as she is now qualified.

I just wanted to reach out to you and say I'm still here! I worked 2 nights in a row this week and it's totally messed my sleep pattern up :( horrible.

So guys, which of you are students nurses, thinking of becoming student nurses, qualified or not even close to studying nursing?! Do tell..

Alex x

Friday, 23 November 2012

Florence Nightingale... Week 34

Who's this lovely lady?

The beloved Florence Nightingale.
This may be a little OTT, but a patient told me i was the reincarnation of Florence Nightingale yesterday ^.^

I was particularly happy!
I love and strive to make sure my patients feel comfortable, have water, food and feel happy to speak to me. After all, the nurse is supposed to be the patient advocate.
I totally love my new ward though, and the patients are great. I can feel myself improving all the time it feels amazing :)

We had a student forum meeting at the hospital on Tuesday, it was so good we met with some 3rd years in their management placement and they just told us what it was like and gave us some advice. It was so good to see where we will be in a year (omg only just over a year til I'm a 3rd year!!!)

Sorry for being so moany in my last post haha, I'll blame it on the hormones ;)

Any questions guys??

Monday, 19 November 2012

I'm in a Bad Mood... Week 34

I don't know why (well, I do) but I am in an awful mood!
I have an essay waiting to start (kill me now) the new Twilight film was pants IMO, boyfriend's family issues, missing home, contemplating my future, thinking about how far away I am from qualifying. The list is almost endless!

I'm just in a crappy mood and procrastinating from my work, naughty naughty.

Got placement tomorrow, 07:00-19:30, such long hours! And I bet I won't sleep tonight :(

Moan moan moan, someone cheer me up?

Alex x

Sunday, 18 November 2012

2nd Placement!...Week 33


I am officially the worst blogger in the world! I have this wonderful blog which lots of you read (thank you :D) and yet I rarely post!

Well now I am on my 2nd placement, in the same hospital but I am on a surgical assessment ward now, very exciting.
My previous ward was respiratory medicine, and it was a lot tougher than this ward. I enjoy both but it depends if you want an 'easy' ride, as such. Not that this placement is a doss, because it's not, it's just a lot more laid-back.

So far I have completed 1 week and already had to call in sick once which I am totally gutted about!! I hate having to call in sick, makes me feel so awful.
My mentor is a sister, so my experience is so far very interesting. I am involved more in the paperwork, handovers, drugs etc which I am enjoying.

Also big news! I am now a bank health care assistant for an agency! Basically means if I want to work, I give them my availability and they book me in for shifts! Happy days, I get money and experience!

I finally feel like I'm getting a grip of what I'm supposed to be doing, the work as a HCA has boosted my confidence ten-fold. I am just looking forward to completing this placement and therefore, completing my 1st year! I have already finished uni until my 2nd year now (scary)

I am currently sat here reading through teenage pregnancy articles as I have an assignment to hand in that I want to get done pronto. Also have an exam, boo :(:(

Wish me luck!
And to all of you either contemplating a career in nursing, currently a student nurse or qualified, good luck! ^.^

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Placement! Week...22

Well I'll give you a few updates before I go on to talk about placement :)

First off, I passed both my OCSE and assignment. Not with flying colours but I passed. First time for everything, I can only get better ey!

I'm currently sat at home home (parents house) feeling like utter death. On the weekend it was my cousin's wedding (was incredible btw!) and as we were leaving I breathed in my own saliva (I think). I'd had a couple to drink so all I remember was coughing a lot and I fell asleep coughing. Woke up on Sunday with really irritated lungs and coughed alllll day. Monday I went to a GP and was told that I sounded ok and it is probs just inflammation making me cough, but yesterday (Monday) I started having a runny nose and coughing, so I think my irritated lungs allowed me to get an infection of some sort.
Today I have a temperature, feel awful and my head hurts so much from the pressure of coughing. Bleurgh.

I'm supposed to be at placement today but I had to call in sick, which I'm really disappointed about :(

Anyway, I've been on placement for 5 weeks now believe it or not! I love love love love love it :D
So interesting, hard work and so much fun all at the same time. I've lost 3lbs its such hard work!

People always ask me what I've done/seen, but I feel like I've done so much I can't even list it!
I've had loads of good feedback from my mentors and co-workers so I'm happy :)

Here's a list of stuff I've done so far:
-bed making
-generally running around for patient's every needs!
-feeding and serving food
-wash a dead person
-speak to family members in person and on the phone
-watch and breast biopsy
-write in patient notes
-admit patients to the ward
-Probably so much more than this, but because I've been away for so long I don't want to go into too much detail, unless you would like me to..?

I love it though, even when I'm literally rushed off my feet it's still amazing!

I've realised why being a student nurse on placement is such hard work, you're expected to:
1. Be a HCA (health care assistant) and do all  basic care
2. Learn and research EVERYTHING because at the end of the day, you are a student
3. Be a nurse, write in patients notes, admit them to the ward etc

Doing all these things makes you run around like a headless chicken and sometimes, your head may be close to exploding!

I hope you enjoyed reading :) If you want to know more about anything I have mentioned, just ask :)

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

This Damn Assignment... Week 16

Hey everyone,
I've been away for ages as I've not been at uni and went on holiday! Then we moved into he new flat and only just got the internet! So massive apologises for not giving any updates.

The new flat is lush, I love it. It feels like home, yay *claps*

I called my placement earlier and found out I am working Monday, Wednesday and Sunday 07:00-19:30!! That's 12 1/2 hours! I honestly don't know how I'm going to do it, but at least I just get stuck in, and that means I have 4 days off :)
So excited to start!!

Well at the moment I am procrastinating. I'm sat here trying to start (and finish) my assignment of 1500 words. The biggest problem I have is I never allow myself to get sucked in and just get on with it. I love to procrastinate 'til the last second :(
I'm writing my assignment on respect, they kind of let us do whatever we want, and I really want to do well.

Last week I had my OCSE; a practical exam. I was so so scared! They weren't allow to express any emotion so my heart was racing, I was shaking. it was so scary. I couldn't answer a couple of the questions because I was so nervous my mind went blank :( Should have passed though!

Anyway I need to do this essay.... :/

Speak soon guys :)

Alex x

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Where have I been?!...Week 13

I'm so sorry I've been MIA.
I have been on holiday for a week (which was amazing btw) and just haven't blogged as uni has been quite on and off the past few weeks! Currently in my 2nd week off.

I have exams in numeracy, practical exams and a biology exam in a few weeks! Scary; but I start placement in a month, yay!

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I'm still here! And I move into a new flat on Sunday so will be back with you soon :)

Bye x

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Personal Safety... Week 7

The amazing thing about nursing is it has SO SO SO much to do with social skills. And lots of what we cover I think, gah this is just common sense. But it's almost so much common sense, that people with common sense forget it! Haha, sounds ridiculous but when you are taught a procedure sometimes you can forget that you aren't talking to a robot patient. They are real people with real lives.

I am going to try my absolute hardest to NEVER forget the patient.

But today we had a lecture on personal safety, how to talk someone down from a rage and how to prevent the rage from happening in the first place! I love what I'm being taught but they only teach you something once, and don't revisit it, so I am going to have to go over EVERYTHING.

But I suppose that's what uni is all about, no spoons to feed me any more!

I'm going home tomorrow and I cannot wait :D
I miss my boyfriend family and best best friend so much, will make it all the better to see her again :)

That's it for now folks!