About Me

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My name is Alex and I am a full-time student nurse living in Birmingham. I thought I'd blog my way through my training to give others some insight and information, as well as giving myself a lovely reminder of how far I've come on this seemingly long and sometimes difficult journey. Enjoy!

Friday, 25 April 2014

Oh my Good God... Year 3 Week 4

1 - I can't believe I haven't blogged in so long

2 - I can't believe I'm technically in year 3!!


Since my placement finished I've been at home just enjoying having nothing to do! I've been working a small amount in the local community hospital as a HCA but mostly just relaxing and spending time with friends and family.
Oh I also turned 21!! Woohoo.

I'm back to Birmingham on Sunday as I start my introductory week on Monday :)

Supposed to have done CAP (consolidation and preparation) work but so far I've done none.....don't tell!

Also I have decided I will be writing my dissertation around the topic of COPD. Scary times ahead everyone.

Anyways I hope you're all well and once I'm back in Uni for my final year I'll give you some more information on what I am actually doing :)

Thanks guys,
Alex x