About Me

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My name is Alex and I am a full-time student nurse living in Birmingham. I thought I'd blog my way through my training to give others some insight and information, as well as giving myself a lovely reminder of how far I've come on this seemingly long and sometimes difficult journey. Enjoy!

Saturday, 15 December 2012

What's going downnn... Week 37!

Hey guys hope you're all well!
I've been reading a nursing blog from a woman in America, I think her blog is the most famous one there is tbh! It's so good to read through her journey as she is now qualified.

I just wanted to reach out to you and say I'm still here! I worked 2 nights in a row this week and it's totally messed my sleep pattern up :( horrible.

So guys, which of you are students nurses, thinking of becoming student nurses, qualified or not even close to studying nursing?! Do tell..

Alex x